Thursday, January 31, 2013

It's the little things...

This morning I was completely out of milk. I mean like literally out.  I made everyone eat oatmeal that could swallow it down. Everyone else ate dry cereal.  I didn't even have any syrup. I should have gotten to the store earlier yesterday but kind of forgot.  I have a life full of blessings, one of them not being memory.

Today I took my son, after dinner, and went to Braums for Milk.  If you don't know about Braums, it's an ice cream shop that also makes burgers and the like, and they have a dairy. It's good sweet milk, with no hormones. So I was trying to keep up with my son, who was flinging back every sliding top to the eons of dairy cases they have full of ice cream waiting in line behind a gal with light blue scrubs on.  Her purse strap was fraying- and she was there a while.  She didn't say much, but I knew she must be having an issue because she told the VERY young cashier to take care of me next.  She said she had cash in the car and she'd be right back.  She was confident, and graceful and quiet and she walked out. 

I immediately felt the need to pay for her groceries.  I stared at her total $13.35 on the digital read out. I had that much. I needed for her to let me pay for it.  I was going to shove her aside and swipe my card and pay for it.  End of story.  But she walked out, 2 sacks of bagged groceries sitting on the end of the counter. I stared at those 2 bags and remembered EVERY time my stupid card didn't work.  I wondered if she could really afford the groceries.  I wondered if she had kids.  

So I moved my milk and 2 containers of ice cream (what?! they were 2/$6!) over to the other register and he rang me up.  I told him, that really young blonde worker, that I would pay for her groceries. He reiterated that she was going to be right back.  But you and I both know that moment and we know that it is a terrible thing to leave a store and come back after a payment mishap. 

Another lady checked out and left after me.  Then another lady in scrubs with neon green trim started checking out.  She was slow about it too.  She was watching me.  I started looking out the window behind the register for that lady to whom the bags belonged, and saw her barely from the passenger side car door leaning in.  I  knew there was not enough money.  So I said to that blondie guy, "come on I am going to pay for these.  I will take them to her, and it will be fine."  I used my Mom voice so he would just hurry up about it. He said okay, only after I swiped my card so fast.  It's a talent I have.  :) swipe swipe.  

As I was gathering her groceries, she was walking back into the door, and I quickly shoved the receipt and my "Mom card" into the bag.  I told the guy to tell her it was paid for and I quickly gathered my 2 bags and my crazy-about-ice cream son and started to get outta dodge.  Then I found myself in the midst of it all telling this gal, "I paid for your groceries.  I had some extra money this month.  It was kind of a miracle thing, and I am happy to do it."  I walked past her and left.  She called out after me in the middle of the parking lot- in the drive-thru lane, and proceeded to try to give me a sandwich baggy of coins and a few dollars.  I told her to keep the money for something she really needed.  I insisted.  I was choked up and I was pleading in my head to God to please let her take this from me so I wouldn't have to cry about it.  I kind of wanted to hug her. But I didn't. 

She said 2 words: OH WOW. And there was a moment of silence, and I guess I was at a loss for words.  All I could say was "Bless YOU." And with that, she went inside and I and my son went to the car.    

Next thing you know, she's getting into her minivan, and I am wrangling said child to get into his car seat. Out of the corner of my eye I see the lady in scrubs with neon green trim putting her 2 bags into the trunk of her SUV.  We were making a triangle with me at the point, the miracle lady on the left and Neon scrubs lady on my right. She started at me, and it caught my eye, and she said so very clearly, "I am so blessed by what you just did.  I hope you have a wonderful day." I told her I was going to.  I reminded her that we all have those kinds of days.  

I am telling you this story, not because I spent $13.35  for this lady to get her stuff so you will say to yourself "good job way to go you!", because sometimes making dinner is in the little things. It's a tall glass of milk with your kids after school, or a sandwich at lunch, made with love, bought with your family in mind, to be together.  Dinner was once described to me as the one time that we can all be together, enjoy being a family and talking to one another about life.  I guess that's why I love recipes, good food, and cooking.  It's about being together, enjoying something great, and being great because we are together.  

For me, today was about making a way for someone else to have dinner- whatever that may be.  And maybe breakfast, too.  Whoever she is, I hope that every time she buys a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread (she  had 2 in her sack) she will be reminded that good people do care and when your stupid card doesn't work, someone is waiting in the wings to help out.  

I am glad I forgot my milk yesterday.  Because today, there were two blessings: 
#1 my kids got ice cream (which wasn't in the plans yesterday) 
#2 Because a lady got some much needed stuff at Braums on me, I was reminded that God can use me to help someone because HE cares about everyone.  

Rock on sister.  Make dinner. Make memories.  Live your life.  And if you should burn dinner, order take out. Then try again tomorrow. 

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