Sunday, February 10, 2013

Get Moving!

Many folks at the beginning of the year commit to weight loss, getting fit, and eating right.  Well how's that working for you? Seen one too many of these? (This is a salad if you are not into green things.)

So I was thinking about buying a treadmill.  I feel better having one.  I know it's just a piece of machinery, and you have to actually USE it for it to be effective. But still. I want to run, I think. So, I mentioned this in a conversation with a good friend of mine, Tanya, and she said something smart.  (Well she IS a teacher so that's something to consider!) She said this: Look on Craigslist in February after everyone's resolutions are dissolved.  :)  Smart Chick. (I could also walk around the block.  It IS an option. So could you.)

Maybe getting moving is just as hard as committing to eating healthy.  It is ridiculously hard to eliminate things from anyone's food intake.  No one wants to make changes.  We like what we like. We eat what we want.  But take a look down.  Are you "there" eating what you are eating? Seriously, I know Chocolate is a food group. However, there is a sense of accomplishment if you will just decide to do something different. Food included.  

I have found that just taking that plunge and doing it- whether or not you completely fail, is rewarding. I used to be afraid to fail because I kind of like to be perfect the first time.  If I thought I might fail, in the past, I would make up a really reasonable excuse to not participate so as to avoid inevitable failure. Now, times have changed.  I was a little tired of wondering what might happen if I tried.  Today, I might utterly burn dinner or fail at a Pinterest project, but at least I tried it, learned something (usually about how fast I can disarm my smoke detectors!) and I can change my focus to make it better.  Doing something and failing is better than doing nothing at all. I don't want to look back and regret not trying.  What can I say? It might also be my age.  Ha ha.  

So, it's February, and frankly, what are YOU waiting for? If your January was a failure or you didn't really accomplish that goal, and you are still eating processed foods and canned Cream of Chicken soup then consider today your day to do differently! January doesn't really count because it's just in the past now. You tried January, and failed or whatever you did that you're not so keen on.  So now it's time for you to succeed. I love the saying "If you are successful, you will win some false friends and true enemies: Succeed Anyway." ~Mother Theresa. Word. 

Don't be afraid to succeed. Better yet, don't be afraid to fail first before you succeed.  My friend is doing the Paleo diet right now, and despite all the eliminations to her diet, and the fact that she +1 on the scale... she IS doing better than before. That's what she will tell herself despite that stupid number on a scale. Better choices.  Right stuff in. Wrong stuff in the trash. She's making a change and doing what is right over eating twinkies. I'm not sure if Amy eats Twinkies, actually. I don't remember the last time I had a twinkie either.  But I know Amy makes good food. She makes 'Lebanese good food.'  So, you and I relate to her statement "1 week on Paleo. No grains, no dairy, no alcohol. No fun. +1 pound in weight. Frustrating." But I know her, and she will keep going. One week doesn't define failure. Giving up does. What matters today is what you do for your health today. Tomorrow is coming. Yesterday could be your last bad decision. 

These aren't really my old running shoes.

After losing 30+ pounds this past summer, and with summer fast approaching us again, I was considering what I could do differently to change things up for myself. Same old stuff= boring. (Texas summers= March through November.  If you have snow right now, I am sorry. Move to Texas once you dig out.) So I came up with this really radical thought: How about I get moving.  Since I have successfully worn out my running shoes (by walking in them- not much running in those pair!) that I bought in 2008 or 2009, I went to a local shop recommended to me by my avid running friend (Run On!) and bought me a new pair of running shoes!  Now that I have shoes, I think I will run in them this time.  It's time to do differently. 

Here's a link to some races around the Texas area... maybe you don't live in Texas, but you want to run.  Google it. You can find a 5K race and enter to win- or really just enter to do something different on a Saturday morning. Running is not necessary either. Walk the whole darn thing if you can't or don't run.  But get moving.  Eating right is a start. Even if you walk, you just might enjoy the sense of accomplishment when you finish a 5K! 

If you don't change something about what you are doing, nothing will change. So I leave you with this:

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